Arizona Raised Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe is one of America’s most popular melons. According to the USDA NASS, since 1992, harvested Arizona cantaloupe acreage has ranged from 13,200 to 23,300 acres with a production value ranging from $38.2 million to $119 million.
In Arizona, we rank second in the production of these melons. They’re a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Because of our 300-plus days of super sunshine in Arizona, cantaloupe and honeydew melons can be harvested in the spring and fall.
Here are some interesting points about Arizona melons:
- Arizona has approximately 14 major melon growers growing for the market.
- Of the 9 states in cantaloupe production, Arizona is #2, only behind California.
- Of the three states in honeydew production, Arizona is #2, only behind California.
- 16 states are in watermelon production, Arizona is in the middle of the pack on acres and production and value (#7, #8 or #9 depending on the year).
- Arizona had 28% of U.S. cantaloupe value, 30% of U.S. honeydew value, 6% of U.S. watermelon value in 2014.
- The 14 growers are mostly very large commercial growers, but still family-owned and operated.
- One Farm Family, Martori, market under the “Kandy” label. They sell mostly to major retailers. Their website explains that they are an American grower and shipper rooted in a century of experience in fresh fruit and vegetable farming.
- Another Farm Family, Rousseau Family Farms, for example, were harvesting large quantities of watermelon this summer. They market under the “MelonUp” and “Dynasty” labels.
While we think of melons as mostly a summer crop, in Arizona we’re still harvesting these sweet, yummy melons in our desert state into Fall. Keep melons on your menu, you’ll most likely be able to bite into Arizona-grown sweetness.
Go to Fill Your Plate for melon and sweet corn recipes. Searchable by product!
Written By: Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau Outreach Director | 9/26/2018
YouTube | We’re Crazy For Cantaloupe
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Podcast Archive With Expanded Content and Resources
Mark Freeman of The Freeman Corn Patch joins Julie with The Arizona Farm Bureau. Arizona has two growing seasons for cantaloupe and second next to California in production. How Arizona farms are helping food banks, safety of Arizona produce, and Farm Bureau President Stephanie Smallhouse updates the latest with the bureau.
Arizona produces its share of watermelons and other melons for summer eating. Kami Weddle-Van Horn is the Director of Food Safety And Quality for Rousseau Farming Company. She discusses the process of growing melons, leafy greens and other vegetables from the farm to your table. Joined by the Arizona Farm Bureau’s Julie Murphree.