Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
December 1, 2018


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Celebrating The Christmas City of Prescott!  Talking about the holiday events happening in Prescott and around the state.

Our Arizona Staycation winners enjoying their weekend in Prescott.

9:00 AM | On The House Hour

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Welcome new partner Overhead  Door Company of Tucson and Southern Arizona

Bill Otwell talks about his background in restoration of historic building in Prescott, AZ.  He had a hand in much of the restoration around the town.

The challenge of restoring a building to keep its classification as historic and balancing today’s energy efficency.  A most sustainable building may already exist.

Buildings from the early 1900s that have daylighting, south faced windows and embodied energy, a combination of construction materials and labor used to build it.

Restoring significant original elements and their condition are key to adding historic value.

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

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Focus on tools featured in our 30th Anniversary tool kit.  This hour, Hammers.

Hammer is the oldest tool known to man.  Romey tells the history of it.

Hammer Museum in Hains, Alaska

Description of 3 particular hammers:   Fence Wire Assembly & Stretching Tool, Stove Top Lifter and Saw Setting And Swaging Hammer.

Looking For The Perfect Hammer? (running time 7-11AM)

Weekend Wake-Up Hour Driven by Sanderson FordFind the Rosie on the House Transit for a chance to get a free gift! We will be celebrating the annual Christmas Parade and Christmas Courthouse Lighting in Prescott.Plus Raigan from The Hike Shack talks about the many trails around Prescott to get you out and enjoy the view.You wont want to miss this! Jennifer’s friend Meg shares her Smecknog | Eggnog Recipe! Yum!Sponsored by our friends at Sanderson Ford!

Homeowner Topic: Open Lines + Weekly To-DoBill Otwell of Otwell Associates Architects discusses the incredible history and preservation of the many buildings and homes in Prescott, AZ. Arizona’s Christmas City!#RosieEstoreThe lines, email and text are open for your DIY questions!Call: (888) 767-4348Text: 411-923 (During Broadcast Only) 

Homeowner Topic: Looking For A Perfect Hammer?
If you are looking for the perfect hammer, look no further! Rosie on the House sells Estwing Hammers, the best hammers you can buy. Now that the gift giving season is underway, get the perfect hammer for the Do-It-Yourselfer in your life or somebody who just needs a new, quality hammer.

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