DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and RecruitMilitary® will co-host the Phoenix Veterans Virtual Career Fair January 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is free to veterans, their spouses, active-duty military personnel and members of the National Guard and Reserve.
In a time of great uncertainty, especially among our nation’s workforce, DAV and RecruitMilitary® are committed to positioning veterans, active-duty service members, reservists, their spouses and partnering companies for success.
“Whether you’re transitioning out of the military and looking for a new career or you’ve been out of the military and are looking for something new, it’s always a very daunting and stressful task,” said DAV National Employment Director Jeff Hall. “This mission is made much, much more difficult in the face of a national pandemic. However, it’s more important than ever to leave the door to opportunity open. Veterans are not the type to back down from adversity. We are here to help make it easier by moving all of our career fairs to virtual events through the end of May. I want to also thank all of our employers who are staying in the fight and looking to hire.”
Jeff Hall, a combat-wounded Army veteran of the Persian Gulf War, is available to discuss trends in veteran and military spouse hiring, valuable employment-related resources and job opportunities in the Phoenix area and nationwide. To arrange an interview, contact Jeff at jhall@dav.org or by calling 859-442-2055