We’re all trying to save money on air conditioning bills these days. Plenty of people who sell energy-saving products are willing to take unfair advantage of you in your quest to save a buck.
You won’t save any money or energy if you buy products from people who make false claims. When it comes to purchasing air conditioners, insulation, roofing and even a/c services, we homeowners have to do our homework before we start writing checks.
Don’t let a salesperson mislead you into spending too much—or buying an ineffective product—because you don’t have the facts. Your best bet: Ask to see the scientific evidence that the product does what the sales pitch claims.
It’s illegal for to say a product will slash your energy bills, insulate your attic or reduce heat gain without tests to back up the claim. Ask for the research. If the product has passed these tests, you can be sure the manufacturer will have that information plastered all over is Web site. Can’t find it? Don’t buy it.