Glass is better clean!
Window Cleaning Services:
Carpet Cleaning Services:
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Clearco provides window cleaning & carpet cleaning service the right way, using only company employed, professionaly trained cleaning technicians. No "sub-contractors," day labor, or temp workers so you know you will have the best possible service providers at your home.
Our window cleaning technicians are trained in professional techniques and use state-of-the-art equipment and tools to get your windows and solar panels looking their best. Our van mount window cleaning system uses ultra-pure water to clean the exterior of large estates and commercial buildings all over the Valley.
Our carpet cleaning vans are the best in the valley using only pure-water for cleaning. Most carpet cleaning vans use straight hose water or hose water that is put through a water softener to clean your carpet. Not at Clearco. Our van mount system produces pure-water for cleaning that has near zero TDS (total desolved solids in parts per million) water. This is a far supierior cleaning medium that acts like a spunge as it soaks up dirt and debris from you carpet fabric and leaves nothing behind, not even minerals from the water. This cleans better and leaves carpet fresher.
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