Bill Jenkins of Think Green Irrigation and Landscaping to talk about making your backyard your oasis.
Recommendation: wait til after the frost, as the green hopseed is frost sensitive
Recommendation: Green Valley Nursery
Traditions of Christmas:
Baby Kay’s special Pecans
Dixieland Christmas Album
Plant a Pecan tree!
Julie Murphree of the Arizona Farm Bureau to talk the great gift ideas from the Arizona farm industry.
Did you know that cotton is a huge industry in Arizona?
Check out www.fillyourplate.org
Recommendations: Consider trees, and edible landscape!
What can you get done still before Christmas?
Don’t forget to consider a firepit! Get your wood at Paul Bunyan Firewood
Have you finished your Christmas shopping?
Today we’re talking how to prepare for your holiday guests.
Recommendation: no…the softened water you’ve grown accustomed to is irreplaceable. Click here to learn more!
In Case of Emergency Tips:
Romey covers the neccesities and tips for water. Check out our resource guide!
Register here to win some of Rosie’s gift items!
You could win:
Digital Newsroom:
Recommendation: Pour vodka in it, and turn off the water supply.
We’re talking to Ryan of Quikrete – what concrete projects can you get done before Christmas?
Recommendation: The Mighty Electricians
Recommendation: Thoro-seal
Recommendation: Intelligent Design / Assurance Builders