Jay’s Landscaping Tip of the Week: The temps are starting to drop and it’s monsoon season. That means it’s time to adjust the watering schedule. Don’t waste water or your $$$!!
Also In-studio with Dan Lee, founder and inventor of Biofeed Solutions and it’s time to fertilize too.
Recommendation – Jay likes the product. Try Ewing Irrigation or Sprinkler World. Belgard products from Superlite are a great option too.
Recommendation – It sounds like it’s a drainage issue and might be staying too wet. Dan also recommends treating for an over-saturation of salt.
We discuss lawn maintenance and common mistakes homeowners make when transitioning from Summer Lawns to the Winter Lawn.
Dan Lee of Biofeed Solutions shares more about his inventions used for fertilizing.
Recommendation – Go the Biofeed Solutions website or go to a Sprinkler World in town.
Recommendation – The “multi-grow” product is perfect to avoid multiple applications from different types of fertilizer.
Recommendation for Victor – It’s not a good idea to use the pool water, but if he’s stopped already he should be fine. It could just be superficial. Spread the draining water around so he doesn’t saturate the ground too much.
We discuss more about what Biofeed Solutions can do for your yard and where to get their products.
Recommendation – Jay re-hashes all the details and why he made his recommendations.
Be sure to visit Harper’s Nurseries and Landscaping Company!
Call 5 Star Termite and Pest Control at 520-886-0045!
Recommendation – Call Don Stabley with Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists and have him walk through his options.
Recommendation – Call Chris at Vicente Landscaping and he can evaluate the conditions and give his recommendations.
Recommendation – OSB is fine or he could just go with sheet rock.
John with The Mighty Electricians was listening and called in to give his recommendations for RJ from the last segment. We cover some common mistakes people make mounting flat screens themselves.
Recommendation – At the beginning of the summer, utility companies are allowed to raise the rates and it’s fairly standard. Most people don’t notice because energy bills jump so much during the summer anyway.
Recommendation – Make sure that the damaged area isn’t saturated with water and hardy plank will work just fine. Superlite has a few different options too!
Sign up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation, here!
Thank you to all the Arizona lodging partners for the Staycation:
Recommendation – Rosie and a Pella representative will come out to look at the issue. It’s definitely the installation and we should be able to resolve the leaking issues.
Consumer Warning
Phoenix Police Department report on 42 year old Stewart Charles Rooker. He’s been signing remodeling contracts, taking deposits and never starts the work.
10 Victims have already lost over $100,000!!
Letter from Listener: Needed some bathroom work done. The neighbors loved his work, we loved his work, but now they’ve found out the contractor was not licensed with the R.O.C. They want to sell their home and want to know what their next step should be.
Recommendation – Call the city and you’ll have to pay for a courtesy inspection. They’ll give you a “conditional permit approval.” But you’ll have to disclose that to the seller.
Jennifer and Rosie harvested prickly pear fruit this weekend and used new gloves from HexArmor Gloves and loved them.
We discuss the process of Air Conditioning and the history of the industry. Become an expert in how it works!
Recommendation – Yearly maintenance is recommended, but if everything was in good shape he should be fine. Call Intelligent Design Air Conditioning & Heating. In Green Valley, call Green Valley Cooling & Heating. In Casa Grande, call Desert Sun Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration.
Innovations around the World: The crew discusses what the middle east does to cool their homes and it only takes a 1/4 horsepower pump keeps a home cooled to 70 degrees without ducting, etc.
Todd and Rosie talk AC technology that has moved into the mainstream.
Recommendation – It sounds like an air flow issue and the coils are probably dirty. To thaw the unit really quickly, turn on the heat and it will thaw quickly. That’s just a quick fix and NOT a long term solution. Call Reeis at 480-969-7500!
Homeowner’s can control each room in the house and segment the house. “Home Zoning” has been around for a while, but it’s finally efficient and moved into the industry mainstream.
Recommendation – It’s a split unit and possible to replace just part of the system. Todd recommends replacing the entire unit because he’ll still have issues and won’t be as efficient as a new system.
Recommendation – It sounds like an air distribution problem that’s causing the varying temps. The noise could be so many different things………. Todd with Reeis will go out to her home to investigate.
Recommendation – Todd and Rosie discuss all the different aspects that go into making the decision to upgrade your Air Conditioning.
…we continue our discussion on the payback questions raised by David from the last segment.
Join Rosie On The House every Saturday morning 8 to 11.