With a big weekend on tap, Jen talks with Jand D’Atri!
More on the Big Weekend:
We give a great prize package from Jewels and Estate Gallery by G. Darrell Olson!
It’s been unusually warm for this time of year…..find out what you can be working on in your yard! We’ve got Jay with Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company here to tell you what you can be doing out in your yard.
Text From a Listener:
Recommendation – If it’s a winter lawn, it’s every 30 days and he can use “turf royal” or a local product we all love from Hickman’s Family Farms. There is no need to fertilize a dormant lawn right now, but as soon as they green up, you can thatch and weed. Listen as Jay breaks it down along with when to take care of the trees. It’s soon!
Text From a Listener:
Recommendation – The feeder roots are out away from the trunk around the edge of the canopy. You want to get it in towards the center halfway and out to the edge. The big roots near the trunk don’t absorb much.
Letter From a Listener:
Recommendation – A pre-emergent herbicide would be pefect for him. We talk through his options doing it himself or having a service provider take care of it.
Recommendation – We love it. It’s super fast growing and takes shade or sun. The only thing it doesn’t like is the cold and will freeze back from time to time.
Recommendation – That’s fine, just get rid of it. It’s only one root and it should be fine to cut it back.
Recommendation – She can plant the dwarf varieties in tighter spaces, because they don’t require a large root system. Citrus, in general aren’t that big of a concern as long as you don’t plant right over the top of a line.
Email From a Listener:
Recommendation – There is no such thing as a “clean tree.” Sumac ARE on the dirtier side of the spectrum. He can go with a red push pistache or chinese pistache.
Thanks to Jay for stopping by! Pick ups some fresh plants at Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company today.
Recommendation – Rosie investigates how big they were, if they’ve been repaired. It’s new cracks and about a pencil lead wide. He’s hasn’t done anything we can think of to cause it. He needs to keep an eye on it and we’ll investigate pictures he sends us. This is not that unusual.
Recommendation – Yes, but it takes a lot of prep work and Rosie talks through what to do and what to look for. Sounds like she’s doing it frequently enough to be fine.
*We give Arizona Sun Devils Men’s Basketball tickets!
Recommendation – There could be some moisture penetration, but if they seal it up really well and keep treating it it should be fine.
Recommendation – It’s time. If it’s the original 30’s system, she needs to get it updated with a Rosie-Certified electrician.
Recommendation – Rosie investigates and he could probably get in a little closer to take a bit more off, but it sounds like he should be fine to move forward.
Email From a Listener:
Recommendation – We bring Tony from Temperature Control Inc. to help answer his question. After investigating, it sounds like the relay is sticking and humming. This does need to get fixed.
*We also get into the discussion of home warranties because Jeff is having to deal with them on this issue at his home.
Recommendation – He might need an expert. Call Cohills Building Specialists and they can talk him through his options and what they do in his situation. He could also try Marvel Building & Masonry Supply.
Join Rosie On The House Every Saturday Morning!!!