Make This Weekend a DIY Weekend at Your House (running time 7-11AM)
Weekend Wake-Up Hour Driven By Sanderson Ford Start your mornings off with Rosie on the House as we chat with Steven Hill with The Hills of Casa Grande Pioneer Heroes of Arizona MuseumSponsored by our friends at Sanderson Ford! |
Outdoor Living Hour – Talking Trees with John Eisenhower John Eisenhower with Integrity Tree Service joins us to talk about all things trees including the Tree of the Month: #ChineseElm & The Tip Of The Month: #SprayOlives! |
Homeowner Topic: Open Lines! Weekly To-Do: #SteamClean Call: 1-888-767-4348Text: 411-923 (During Broadcast Only)Email: |
Homeowner Topic: Make This Weekend a DIY Weekend at Your House In the realm of home improvement, there are a multitude of tasks that can be done to improve the overall feel of your home, both big and small. However, sometimes these jobs can be glossed over, maybe the complexity of said task is daunting, or there are so many small fixes you don’t know where to even begin, perhaps you simply just do not have the time. Fret no longer, this week at Rosie On The House we cover different Do It Yourself jobs that can be completed in a weekend, or even a single day!… |