Presidents Day Weekend. Rosie comments about the most qualified and efficient President in the history of the country (but doesn’t give the answer yet)
The Great Backyard Bird Count. How you can participate and log your findings
Renaissance Festival giveaway
Rosie’s beginnings in the construction industry
Segment 2
Mini Split Noise
The 50th Anniversary of The Central Arizona Project. A 336 mile canal providing water from the Colorado River to Arizona
Beverly had a new mini split installed with a problem regarding the outdoor compressor/condenser unit. Its attached to a metal frame against 2×6 stucco. The noise from the unit is getting into the home. Took it off the frame and the noise is gone. Suggestion to insulate between the frame and the outside wall
Segment 3
Avoid Unsolicited Solar Salespeople
Homeowner using 6000 grit sandpaper to clean the glass in the shower by hand. Could they use an electric sander to do the job? Dennis with ABC Glass Company says no because you could crack or shatter the glass.
Laminate flooring installed a year ago. At his desk area, he has a glass mat to roll his chair on. Noticed water has been trapped under the mat. He removed the mat to let the floor dry out. Now the laminate is starting to peel. Suggestions on repairing it. Best he can do is use a solid color mat to hide the damage
Matt received 2 bids for solar installation that are not comparable from 2 different unsolicited door to door salespeople. Found one of the installers was a subcontractor. Looked up the sub on the Registrar Of Contractor website and found a slew of complaints. He turned away the second salesperson. Rosie’s rant on the solar industry on what not to do when considering solar.
Segment 4
Rosie is a proponent of solar energy. BUT proceed carefully when dealing with the solar industry
Avoid unsolicited salespeople
Buying or leasing solar panels depends on dealing with a reputable solar dealer.
Weekly To-Do Topic: #BuildingSupplies | The sheer number of different building materials is staggering. There are millions of different products ranging from anchor bolts to Z-bar flashing. Because we can’t cover them all here, let’s focus on obtaining them. Start by planning your purchase… READ MORE IN THIS DIY ARTICLE>> and scroll below for a breakout of each segment in this podcast with resource links.