Summer utility rates are back. Time to set your thermostats to Super Cool your home for ‘off peak’ pricing
Welcoming our newest Rosie Certified Partner with an interview with Aqua Therapy Tubs
Sylvia has a problem with dirt mounds on her property. Found tunnels which means burrowing pests like gophers. Looking for a non-lethal way to get rid of them. Rosie explains a method burying water jars filled with water.
Segment 2
Weeds & Water Heaters
Sylvia has another question about weeds on her acre and a half property. Tried 3 different weed killers but didn’t work. We have some suggestions
Marshall says he needs to replace the anode rod in the water heater every 2 years. He’s going to drain the tank first.
Segment 3
New Neighbor Welcome
Regarding Marshall’s anode rod question, Romey explains the function of the anode rod in the water heater. Should last a lot longer that 2 years. And how to determine if the rod needs replacing
Before draining a water heater, disconnect the power source whether electric or gas
Weekly To Do with ideas on welcoming new neighbors to your neighborhood
Needs a new roof. Called roofing contractors but when they find out the location, he got turned down. We suggest our Rosie Certified Roofers
Weekly To-Do Topic: #NewNeighborWelcomeWagon | Most Realtors will tell you, as does, that 80% of all moves in the United States take place between April and September. So, over the next few months, a moving van or two may be delivering a new neighbor to your block! Be The Welcome Wagon It can be hard for new people in the neighborhood to make connections. Don’t wait for them to come to you. As a good neighbor, be the welcome wagon!… READ MORE IN THIS DIY ARTICLE>> and scroll below for a breakout of each segment in this podcast with resource links.