Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
May 18, 2024

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4

Home Fire Sprinkler Requirement



  • Joel is building an addition to his house in Scottsdale. The city requires he install a fire sprinkler system


  • Some cities require fire sprinklers based on additional square footage of the home or new builds
  • Retrofitting for sprinklers can be costly
  • Sprinklers must have a separate water supply line where it splits off from the home and landscape line
  • Bruce explains how the installation works
  • Designed to save your life, not your home

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Weekly To Do #RidTheCritters

OPEN HOME HOUR: Live Listener Call-Ins, Texts & Emails | WEEKLY TO-DO: #RidTheCritters

Weekly To-Do Topic: #RidTheCritters | Spring is the season that awakens the plants and pesky critters that winter keeps at bay. Arizona has many climatic zones where plants and critters arrive at different times, such as Flagstaff VS. Phoenix. The amount of rainfall coupled with warmer temperatures can typically facilitate a larger-than-normal bloom. The Arizona State Climate Office says we received 0.18” of rain above the mean rainfall. So, a typical year is ahead of us. However, we still have a host of insects and pests, some unique to the southwest, making it timely to update a previously published article about what to look for and what to do, to mitigate the critter impact… READ MORE IN THIS DIY ARTICLE>> and scroll below for a breakout of each segment in this podcast with resource links.

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