Homeowner Topic: Open Lines!
Weekly To-Do Topic: #SummerSellOuts – READ MORE>>| Tune-In! There are certain items that go on sale during summer you won’t want to miss.
Recycling and Habitat For Humanity ReStores.
CALLER: Trying to help and elderly neighbor stay cool, considering a portable evaporative cooler in the home. Good or bad idea?
Most Asked Question about misting systems.
Another Memorial Day event to honor those who served. Discussion of the Veterans Heritage Project. Students interviewing and recording stories of those who served.
CALLER: A broken irrigation system cause the lawn to die off. After fixing it, wants to know how to get the lawn to come back.
Sanderson Ford
Answering listener questions on a homemade solution for cleaning time and grout and the best way to cover sun damaged fascia with vinyl or aluminum. Register for our next Staycation!
Our National Anthem!
Recent recovery of over 1200 stolen catalytic converters worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Weekly To-Do Topic: #SummerSellOuts – READ MORE>>| Tune-In! There are certain items that go on sale during summer you won’t want to miss.