Has a 25 foot tall pine tree. Advice on watering, frequency and amount of water. Justin replies with tips on slow deep watering
Best pine trees for the desert are afghan and mondell
Categories of tree diseases to look out for
Foliage issue with disease on the leaves
Powdery mildew issue
Stem and trunk decay
Segment 3
More On Diseases And Fall Lawn Prep
Two types of canker disease
Insect boring can damage the cambium
Fungus thru a crack in the bark
Citrus, fruit and date palm tree planting and length of time for production/harvest
Fall/winter lawn preparation for the good soft green grass
Recommend perennial rye grass. Uses less water and lasts longer
Obtaining grass seed early for best quality
Leveling the area and using sand for good drainage
Tips for getting rid of bermuda grass
Segment 4
Tropical Plants & Agriscaping
Dawn has some tropical plants in pots under the shaded patio. Lots of leaves have burned. Should she trim off the leaves, trim off the burnt part or leave a sliver of the leaf on the branch. Discussion of watering and using a liquid plant feed
Outdoor Living Topic: #TreeDiseases & #TexasOlive | Trees are wonderful, and just like any other living thing, you’ve got to protect them from #TreeDiseases… READ MORE IN THIS ARTICLE>> and read more about the #TexasOlive here… READ MORE IN THIS ARTICLE>> Scroll below for a breakout of talking points by each segment in this podcast along with links to additional resources.