Weekly Gardening Tip with Jay Harper of Harper’s Nurseries
It’s time to feed the plants that feed you. For their best care, Jay recommends Organo Citrus Food, which can be found at your local nursery.
Blue, what to do with our agaves
Sweet Jennifer Product Testing: Hoses
Charlene, when does she prune her gardenias
Recommendation: End of January or beginning of February
Pomegranate is not sweet and seeds are white
Recommendation: needs more water
bark on Australian Bottle tree is only a year old and bark is peeling
Recommendation: Go Natural Tree Paint
Steve, has a Javalina in his front yard
Recommendation: Fencing, check with your Home Owners Association
Special Guest in the Studio: Kristy Wilheim—Garden Nerd.com: Gardening for Geeks
Bio-Intensive, putting a lot of stuff in a little space, adapting the soil to these conditions
Mel Barthlomew, Square Foot Gardening
Preservation categorizing, storing
Explore different methods for sustainability
Barry, is bluegrass appropriate for Elgin. Does he need to do soil prep and is this the right time to plant Recommendation: Yes, Blue Grass and Rye, yes treat the soil, til it, gypsum, compost
Sonoita: Kentucky Derby, next week Quarter Horse Show
Sheree, has St. Augustine that is not growing, what kind of fertilizer
Recommendation: Turf Royale or Four Seasons 21-7-14 with Sulfur
Re-cap of the tip: Fertilize Citrus Memorial Day, feed everything in your yard, Roses once a month and your summer grass
Special Guest in the Studio: Greg Peterson from UrbanFarm.org
Mother’s Day Give Away from Jewelry and Estate Gallery by G. Darrell Olson
Root Phoenix
Julie Murphee from Arizona Farm Bureau
What is Gluten?
A part of wheat, a gluten intolerance is like glue in your intestines and food will not digest properly.
Jack, has a woodpecker that wakes him up every morning and is getting popping noises in his house
Continued from last segment:
Jack, has woodpeckers that are loud in the morning
Recommendation: Tabasco, How to get rid of woodpeckers, Chip Board, cut a curve in every piece of chip board, listen to our podcast for Rosie’s step by step Chip Board solution.
Deckover the pool, then put raised planters on the deck
More with Greg Peterson from UrbanFarm.org
Root Phoenix: Urban Farming Day today!
Special Guest in the Studio: Kari Spencer from The The Micro Farm Project
Benefits of Goats/Goat Guidelines
Great for lactose intolerance
Need more than one
Need 100 Sq. ft for containment, they will eat everything if not contained
Need males and females for breeding, then seperate the males from the females
Ranch at Fossil Creek
Sweet Life Garden Arcadia Tour
Goat Milk Legalities
To sell milk legally need to pasteurize
Feed often, can be expensive: alfalfa and goat feed
Kim, are her dead tomatoes due to watering or heat
Recommendation: Tomatoes are easily over-watered
Continued from last segment:
Kim, has dead tomatoes
Recommendation: Be sure to rotate your plants, especially if there is an infected area, 10 ft away
$250-300 per goat
Goat will want to get out
It will need to get used to you
Sonoita Quarter House Show
Uses for goat products
Goat meat is lower in fat than beef or chicken
If you want to find goats, go to Craig’s List
Allow babies to get a good month, before asking it to produce milk
Greg Peterson and Kari Spencer can be found at Root Phoenix, Growing through the Basics starts Monday! Go see them today to ask about your Urban Farm!
Urban Farming: Summer Gardens and Goats–Sweet Jennifer’s Resource Guide