John of Integrity Tree Service brought us a Pomelo to try this morning!
How should I fertilize my trees?
When planting a new tree, what size should I purchase?
Recommendation: Sometimes trees can just be more stressed than their neighbors.
Recommendation: It is pretty tricky due to the initial root the tree shoots off, rather quickly.
Following up on Walter’s question from last week – what will happen to his woodpecker damaged tree?
Recommendation: Greenfield Nursery
Tree Climbers Competition next weekend in Tucson
What should I do about my girdled roots?
– cut off the outer 1/2″ of the root ball to stop the circular girdling
March is the pruning month – do it right!
Next Hour: PPG
Coming up for ROTH: SAHBA Home & Patio Show
Recommendation: Rosie suspect it is a leak, but it could also be a high pressure issue
Rosie explains what your base load is for your electrical use
Rosie continues his soapbox on the electrical base load
Get your electrical bill for these past 2 months, while you probably haven’t been using your a/c unit.
Recommendation: foam will stick to anything – it’ll depend on the tar base
Digital Newsroom:
Going on this weekend:
In studio with Carlene of PPG to introduce the new shades of paint!
How to choose that perfect color
How to navigate the 2003 color choices?
Take the color sense test!
Romey admits – it got him right on the head with his color choices!
Play the color sense game now!