We’re here with Dr. Sky!!
Thanks to Dr. Sky for joining us again today!
We have Lee Allison, the Arizona Director & State Geologist, joins us to talk about the earthquake in Arizona over the weekend.
More with Lee Allison on Earthquakes:
*Funny stories about what people thought was happening during their 1st earthquake.
Jay Harper with Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company is here to talk fall landscaping & gardening.
Tip of the Week: It’s time to plant! Arizona is unique and Jay talks through why it’s a great time to plant now.
Recommendation – She just needs to make sure the ground is compacted. Rosie remembers the conversation and a lot of people put too much sand down. She can call CYC Landscaping for help.
Nima joins us to talk about hosting the “Tour De Coops” with the Valley Permaculture Alliance:
Recommendation – Yes and yes. Palms are prolific seeders and she can make the move now!
Letter from a Listener:
Recommendation – Jay has a few suggestions. She can try lighting up the tree at night or try a product called tanglefoot. Romey discusses a few options, along with a product from Bonide might work.
Letter from a Listener:
Recommendation – Jay likes frequent bursts of water several times until it’s established, then cut the water off a day before you’re going to mow it. He talks through all the steps after it’s established from seed, plus fertilizing tips…
*Romey invites Robert Cain on air to talk about his SeaAgri Inc. Products that will help your garden thrive.
If you’d like to visit with Jay, find him at Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company!
More about the Arizona earthquake we felt last week.
*Luckily, the Rock Springs Cafe pies were NOT damaged in the earthquake.
Rosie just returned from a trip getting together with contractors across the country and building is exploding, especially in Seattle, WA.
*Jennifer shares a listener’s “earthquake” joke!
We continue with Betty:
Recommendation – He’s not aware of the process, but Rosie knows about it and it started in Tucson. We aren’t sure if it’s a good idea, but the company has been in business for several years so call and ask for referrals before you go forward.
Join Rosie on the House Every Saturday Morning!!!