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This Is A Bug Year!

This is a “bug year,” according to Brett Overson, of Overson Pest Control, a Rosie on the House Certified Partner.

Brett told us the biggest issue this year is the amazing amount of moisture we have received since last fall. This moisture will significantly increase the number of bugs we will likely see around our homes.

Bugs tend to start out in a 15-to-30-day cycle. Adults come from eggs, and then they lay more eggs. This is the time to initiate treatment, but certainly not the last.

“One-time bug treatments do not work,” says Brett.

After the initial hatching and subsequent egg laying, the bug cycles typically run in roughly a sixty-day cycle, which particularly fits the patterns for the scorpion.

We want to do our best to protect ourselves, our children, and our pets from these nasty bugs. After the initial treatment, reinfestation can occur in this time frame. These actions can keep the pests at bay.

  • Preventative Maintenance | Setting up a program with a reliable pest control company is your best defense against pest infestation.
  • Treatment Frequency | Given the likely bug cycles mentioned above, the initial treatment begins the timing. This covers both the interior and the exterior of the home. Subsequent treatments typically remain outside. If there are issues inside, then they should be addressed. The first follow-up treatment is best completed in the next 15 to 30 days to catch the hatching of the initial adults’ eggs just laid. After the second treatment, a sixty-day pattern of treatment is common.


Ground Crawling Bugs

It is important to discuss treatments.

First, not all pest control companies use the same products. Therefore, they might recommend different cycles.

Brett strongly feels that with the products they use, following the initial treatment, the 60-day cycle works best. “We treat on the cycle of the scorpion, basically.”

That’s smart, considering these bugs rank pretty high in the nasty category. Some companies want to treat every 30 days. You need to consider the products with which they are treating. An inferior product might need more frequency and may not be effective against the nastiest of bugs. A 90-day alternative is available, though the product is likely to wear off. Weather plays a big role in the effectiveness of treatment as well.

Flying Insects

Flying insects require a different process of treatment. Brett notes that this season will likely be a bad mosquito and fly season. We asked how those treatments differ and why. Brett tells us they use a fog-like product that is deployed using a mister-like spray from a backpack dispenser. The approach to eliminating mosquitos, in particular, is to catch them where they rest. Since this is usually on the underside of leaves and eaves, the misting system is the best way to reach the target. This method is designed to get the adults and is called an “adulticide.”

Eggs require a different solution of spraying in areas where stagnant water collects. Brett recommends that during the roughly six-month season, a fog spray once a month will usually suffice.

The product used by Overson Pest Control is derived from the chrysanthemum flower. From this, microcapsules are created. These microcapsules are large, medium, and small in size. The smaller capsules break and emit the product immediately on deployment. The other sizes emit their products over a longer period.

Are these products safe?

These products are designed to kill bugs. Because we don’t want to harm ourselves, our children, or our pets, the product is derived from the chrysanthemum flower, not deadly chemicals. The product is put down wet and is safe to be around once it dries. During the summer months in hot climates, the drying time is typically less than 10 minutes. In colder climates, that might take just a few minutes more. Weather also plays a part in drying time. When the humidity level is high, the product may need five minutes more. Outside drying time will probably be different than interior drying time. Keep that in mind before letting your family or pets come in contact with the treated areas.

Pesky Pests

Are you experiencing pests at your home?

Brett tells us that the most effective way to keep your home pest-free is to have a year-round pest control maintenance program in place. Folks tend to think the bugs go away over the cooler winter months. That is not the case. Bugs may diminish in numbers, but they are still around. Many, like scorpions, also tend to move indoors during the cooler months. Not a warm, fuzzy thought!

As you consider pest maintenance programs for your home, consistency of treatment frequency is the key to having a pest-free life.

“Not all treatments can always be 100% effective,” says Brett. “If between treatments our clients see something such as an ant infestation pop up, call us. We will do an interim treatment for free.”

That level of dedication to customers is what makes a Rosie on the House Certified Partner stand out of the crowd!


CONTENT PARTNER | Overson Pest Control

(480) 510-4898

Overson Pest Control is a family-owned and operated business located in Mesa, Arizona. They believe that the home and business owners deserve fast, effective pest control services from neighbors they can trust, and they aim to provide just that! Serving the greater Phoenix area since 2015, they have years of experience eliminating and preventing local pest problems.



Rodents, roaches and mosquitos are common homeowner pests to control. Add dealing with desert pests like scorpions and termites takes the right treatment to avoid potential serious problems. Brett Overson of Overson Pest Control discusses his methods to control them and why it’s best to have year round pest control service instead of a spray bottle.

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