Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. A uniquely North American tradition that includes the United States and Canada, Thanksgiving celebrates many facets of our culture.
The first Thanksgiving is attributed to a feast in 1621 where the Wampanoag natives and the Pilgrims came together. The fellowship of this feast remains a key objective in our celebration just over 400 years later. With gratitude, we recount the blessings the year has brought us as we enjoy the company of family and friends.
Thanksgiving also triggers the Holiday season that includes Christmas, Hannukah, and New Years. This six-week stretch is the time of year when hope and charity join with fellowship. Giving to those in need is a hallmark of this most wonderful season.
We thought it might be interesting to share with y’all some of the family traditions the folks that make up our family at Rosie on the House and Rosie Right Design Build Remodel.
Favorite Staff Traditions
One thing is for sure- turkey is a favorite among our staff and fried turkey is king!
I am the newbie of the team! Here are some of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions:
Making homemade, gluten-free sourdough dressing and lavender gravy for my closest family members.
Playing our family-favorite card game: Hand and Foot, post-dinner.
Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning with my partner while planning what Black Friday Deals we’ll snag.
It’s been a long time since we’ve been near family, so we’ve found a few traditions of our own to start. Starting November 1st, we use paper leaves and we each write one something or someone we are thankful for each day leading up to Thanksgiving. 25 days of 5 people’s thankfulness adds up to a pretty big collection! We ALWAYS fry the turkey! Even when it’s been -30 degrees, we’re outside frying! A few years ago, we started hiking as a family in the morning, eating then finishing off the day with games and a showing of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Friday is when we decorate for Christmas and hang our lights. Then, we try every year to host a “Friendsgiving” – a meal a week or two around thanksgiving where it is just friends we have come to love as family. It’s not quite like the Romero family weekend, but it does the trick.
Like many families a lot changed when my grandmother passed away. But when she was alive, we all went to her and my grandpa’s house for Thanksgiving every year. After eating we would all always walk around their neighborhood and talk. They lived in Arcadia, so it was always a nice walk with Camelback Mountain in the background.
My children and I are all self-proclaimed foodies, so we are all about the planning, the prepping, and the cooking.
One fresh turkey stuffed with wild rice stuffing and one deep fried turkey then all the sides mashed white and sweet potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, apple pie and chocolate pecan pie – then food coma.
In our family, we hold our family Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday. That way I don’t compete with my daughters’ in-laws 😊 After a traditional dinner, we always go on a walk. Then there will be board games. It’s always such a great day to hang with family.
Rosie And Jennifer
For the Romero’s it’s deep-fried Turkey and all the fixings. A heartfelt Thanksgiving prayer is offered before dinner. A Romero Thanksgiving will have 40-60 attendees, coming in from all parts of the country and usually lasts 4 days…. there will be golf outings, hiking and plenty of football watching and the card game of bourre’ (pronounced boo-ray) in that time!
And there y’all have some of our traditions. We would love to hear about your special traditions. Please drop us a note at
Homeowner Handbook | #FamilyTraditions
We discuss our Weekly To Do among other topics happening around Rosie On The House from the Homeowner Handbook, Staycations to homeowner questions on a mysterious 90 degree angled pipe outside the home and Sentricon versus Termidor for termite control.