Not always do we have the space in our yards or gardens to grow everything we want, so we must make the most of the space we have.
This week, we chat with Jay Harper, one of our gardening and landscape experts, about tomato and pepper plants; a companionable pair good for in ground or container gardening.
Tomato and pepper plants, with the proper care, complement one another:
Each plant is a part of the Nightshade family
- Both plants thrive in a soil consisting of a pH around 6 or 7 and enjoy extra fertilizing. Composting works great for this use.
- They each produce similar flowers and thus attract pollinators – a win-win for both plants.
- Each plant grows plenty of leaves. Since they are being grown together, these plants form a nice shade barrier to protect their fruits from the sun.
- Both plants require similar water and sun conditions and benefit from
Proper care is key.
It takes proper care of the plants to ensure they both thrive. Otherwise, they could end up competing for resources and both plants could fail.
- If planted too close, one plant may start to outgrow the other and dominate the space in all aspects. Plant no closer than 1-2 feet apart.
- Make sure there is enough “breathing room” by pruning. Airflow is important with tomato and pepper plants. If planting in rows, keep the rows 2-3 feet apart.
- Water using a drip irrigation line or similar. These plants don’t like getting their leaves wet. Keeping water from the leaves also helps prevent potential disease.
- Trellises and stakes will help keep things organized.
Outdoor Living To-Do | #Tomato&PepperPlants
Jay Harper says now is the time to plant your tomato, pepper and herb plants with tips for a bountiful harvest. He even gives his ‘go to’ variety of tomato plants and what causes splitting tomatoes as they’re growing. Plus listeners have questions concerning frost damage, citrus pruning, shade trees and being proactive regarding weed control.
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