Tune in Saturday, May 12th at 8:06AM with Integrity Tree Service learn more about all things trees including the tree of the month! #PaloVerde

Arizona’s State Tree: In 1954, the State of Arizona named the #PaloVerde as its State Tree.
Scientific: Parkinsonia florida
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: Sonoran Deserts in the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico.
Form: Tree
Seasonality: Deciduous
Size: 35ft tall by 30 ft wide
Leaves: Tiny, compound, light green leaves, leafless most of the year
Flowers: Bright yellow pea-like bloom clusters covering the entire tree
Fruit: Flat seed pod, single or multiple seeds
Stems/Trunks: Green-blue, dense growth
Comments: Seasonal litter, small thorns
Home Maintenance Calendar:
May’s Home Maintenance Calendar Tree of the Month: #PaloVerde