Here are Rosie’s tips for making sure your roof is well-installed or properly recoated:
- Don’t do it yourself. Technical knowledge and experience are a must when applying or recoating a foam roof. A pro will clean and prepare your roof properly, use the best kind of coating and coat it thoroughly.
- If you’re having foam applied over an old roof, ask the roofer to gauge it in several locations and show you proof that the material is thickly applied and that the coating covers every inch of the surface.
- Insist that your roofer cover your car and your neighbors’ with plastic before the spraying begins. Because foam is so lightweight, it flies everywhere and can be hard to remove.
- Wait for a hot day to do the installation. Windy, cool or damp weather can affect the quality of the foam and protective coating and can cause unnecessary overspray.
- Choose your roofer carefully. Ask friends for recommendations. Interview contractors until you find one with experience. Hire only a roofer who holds a license from the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Check the roofer’s references.