The pros and cons for the Arizona homeowner on the excessive rain and snow received in the state
Rosie On The House featured on the KTAR History Timeline Wall
Potential gas stove ban talk started with California’s current ban on gas appliances in new built homes.
Segment 2
Gas And Carbon Monoxide
Natural gas emits carbon monoxide. Importance of proper ventilation, carbon monoxide alarms and the rotten egg smell
Rebecca is buying a home with a humidity line in Flagstaff. It was disconnected by the previous owner. She wants to reconnect it for the hardwood floors, wood trim items and leather. We agree!
Segment 3
Comment On Gas Appliance Ban
CALLER (not aired)
Gordon says he wants more credit given to Sholow, AZ and the White Mountains contributing to the Salt River flow
David (Digger) touches on some of the rivers and creeks flowing bank to bank. Then on our topic, his comment on natural gas burning is linked to asthma. Plus natural gas production thru fracking is hurting the environment
Ruben wants to know how many inches of chicken wire above ground needed to keep cottontails and jackrabbits out of the garden. Rosie describes his contraption to keep them out of his garden
Segment 4
Whats Driving Ban Talk
Two suggestions for keeping rabbits out of gardens: Coyote Urine & Bonide Go Away Rabbit Repellant
The incentives in the National Inflation Reduction Act to retire gas appliances for electric
Gas appliances are fine provided proper maintenance and ventilation
On The House Topic: The internet, news agencies, politicians, and builders have all been talking about “Banning Gas Stoves.” We want to dive into this timely topic so you can cut through the facts and the hyperbole. What brought this to a national conversation recently was a statement by Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) commissioner Richard Trumka, Jr., in an interview with Bloomberg News that the CPSC was looking into banning gas stoves. But that’s not where it started… READ MORE IN THIS BLOG>> and scroll below for a breakout of each segment in this podcast with resource links.