Weekly Gardening Tip with Jay Harper of Harper’s Nurseries! This week’s tip is about composting! How many of you are? Why Not? Do you think it is messy, too hard….What are your “tricks of the trade”? Composting: Five Easy Steps
Jim, pre-emergent is getting costly for his acre property Recommendation: Jay will help him with commercial sizes, info@rosieonthehouse.com, Local Tucson Nurseries
Lucilla, cut back her vines after the freeze now they are not growing. Her neighbor has spikes on her Mesquites and she can’t get them out Recommendation: if there is no green, it’s dead; chainsaw/chipper from the outside in and Brush and Stump Killer
Composting keeps your soil moist and cool We remember: Eddie Basha
Arizona Farmer’s Market from Arizona Farm Bureau
Ken, has white bugs on his Rosemary Recommendation: Neem Oil, Horticultural Oil
Kitty, what Shade tree can she plant close to a Leech Field Recommendation: Yellow Bells, Cat Claw, Vines on a Trellis
In the studio: Lance Walheim with Bayer Advanced and the DuraZone Ultimate Man-Cave Giveaway!
Jim, has a Ficus that’s in bad shape Recommendation: Harper’s Nurseries , Integrity Tree Service
Ken, how does she make sure the weeds are dead before laying sod Recommmendation: Durazone, Round Up, Killz All, Pre-Emergent (Hi Yield, Weed Impede by Monterey)
will Holly Bush grow in East Mesa Recommendation: Only with intense shade, Pyracantha has red berries
Rosie’s Arizona Republic Article: Renovations in Bathrooms
Rosie on the House on the Road: Scottsdale Super Expo SAHBA Home & Patio Show
Don Stabley from Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists in the Studio!
Steve, wants to insulate above the garage Peter called in to let folks know about the Mesa Community College Plant Sale
Don Stabley from Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists
Mary, what’s our opinion on glass block for the shower; where can she get low flow toilet Recommendation: With her West Facing room, plant a shade tree; Clyde Hardware to get low flow toliets
John, do we recommend foam insulation in his 2003 Home Recommendation: yes, Thermal Advantage, as long a the wires are in place that you need
Chuck, Plumber suggested electric coils to prevent corrosion. What do we think Continued in next segment
Caller (continued from next segment)
Chuck, is wondering about electric coils preventing corrosion Recommendation: EcoWater, Water Treatment Technologies; Tucson: Culligan Water; Northern Arizona: Northern Arizona Quality Water
James, does he tint or suncreen his windows or both Recommendation: try one, then add another if more is needed; plant a Shade Tree-Chinese Elm
Dennis, has Elastimeric coated flat roof is bubbling and a contractor wants to cut into them Recommendation: Don’t cut into the roof
Ellen, what do we think of the walk in ADA approved tubs Recommendation: Clyde Hardware, Central Arizona Plumbing Supply, takes a long time to drain before you can open the door
Re-cap from Don Stabley 480-325-5015 from Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists Sonos Play Bar
Next week: Transforming your outdoor patio; Hardscaping