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Which is Best to Remodel First – the Kitchen or the Bath?

A question often asked by homeowners who are looking to remodel their kitchen and bathroom is “Which one should I do first?”  This seems like a simple enough question, but it is not so simple to answer.

Rochelle Horn of Rosie Right Design Build Remodel tells us that every situation and circumstance needs to be looked at on its own. Everyone has their own unique reasons for wanting to remodel, from simply wanting to upgrade a space, to customizing a new home purchase and there may be other reasons as well. Reasons for triggering a remodel could include appliances failing, aging plumbing, urgent issues that need to be addressed or quality of life upgrades.

Understanding the Needs of a Client

Romano Klepec, also of Rosie Right Design Build Remodel tells us that the best practice for a remodeler begins with getting to understand each client. Through the process of asking specific questions and getting more information about how clients live in their home, Rochelle and Romano work to become an informed resource to help a client make informed decisions. The goal is to become a trusted advisor and bring value from our design process “Listening is very important”, says Romano.

Often emotional reasons weigh into the decision-making process.

  • Maybe the kitchen is so old homeowners are embarrassed at inviting others over. 
  • Or perhaps a homeowner is facing the physical limitations that aging or illness can bring, and that can bring about a whole flood of emotion and decisions to be made. 
  • The kitchen may have flooded, and the damage done may have the client thinking about alternative material solutions.

These are just a few examples of the reasons folks choose to remodel.  Trying to understand those reasons helps paint the picture needed for good decision making. 


One overriding recommendation by Romano and Rochelle for people who are wanting to do multiple projects, is to plan both projects before embarking on either one. A master plan provides you a clear path forward and engages many facets of the construction process you will need to consider.  Knowing the big picture, and all the details associated with projects is a big part of the success of a project. 

Other less obvious components of the plan revolve around the construction timeline in your home.  

  • Do you plan to live in your home while work is being done?
  • Do you have alternatives for either a kitchen or another bath to use during construction?
  • Are other living arrangements needed?

A comprehensive planning process will help sort out these considerations.  


The cost of a remodel plays a major role in decision making. A comprehensive bath or kitchen remodel that includes, cabinet replacement, a layout change, new lighting, flooring, countertops, plumbing fixtures and appliances can approach a six-figure range Romano tells us.

 Points of consideration include:

  • Funding source. Will you need to borrow the funds? Are the funds readily available? This weighs in on overall costs as well. 

If you are borrowing, the cost of a loan needs to be factored in. 

If funds are available, how will you convert long term investments into cash also play a role in decision making. 

  • Create a payment plan. Working with the design build team, Rochelle and Romano agree that a plan can be outlined so you will have some notion when funds will be needed. Timing is important. 

Return On Investment (ROI)

Determining what the return on investment will be for your project is a tricky topic and not as clear cut as one might expect. Typically, if you remodel and sell your home within a couple of years, you are unlikely to recoup the full cost of the remodel. The Journal of light Construction produces an annual ‘Cost vs Value’ chart. The report considers data from different regions across our country and drills into ROI for each region and its major cities. Projects can be classified as ‘upscale’, ‘mid-range’ ‘major’ or ‘minor’. Definitions are included in the report for you to better understand the concepts.

Here are some examples to consider.

  • Bathroom remodel, a mid-range project has an ROI of approximately 82.6%.
  • Minor Kitchen remodels can yield up to an ROI of 96%.
  • The ROI of a major kitchen remodel is typically 51.9%.

Rochelle tells us that this information can be relevant information homeowners need to consider in their decision making. If someone is wanting to upgrade an old bath or kitchen to sell their home, this report indicates that it may not be a great strategy. 

Over longer periods of time, the increase in your homes overall evaluation from a remodel may fare better. 

All At Once or Phasing

There is a good argument for doing both the kitchen and the bath at the same time. The biggest reason is economy of scale.

  • Starting costs: There are costs associated with starting a project. Starting two separate projects instead of one will cost more. 
  • Purchasing power:  Rochelle mentions that sometimes buying all the material needed, such as flooring, can realize some savings. Undo or redo in phase 2 can be very costly.

If you are going to stay in the home during construction, choosing 2 phases might be helpful. Having workers in your home every day, even friendly ones like we have, says Romano can be stressful. Phasing can help. Here are some points to think about:

  • Clearly establish when workers will be there and time of day they will start and finish. 
  • Outline the access pathways they will take.
  • Do you need to set up an alternative kitchen space? Where will it be located and for how long?

Phasing the projects can help smooth out some of the interruptions to your lifestyle. Planning the phases is crucial before any work is commenced. 

What Comes First

Given all the information we just reviewed, the answer is as clear as mud. The hundreds of pieces that go into decision making can be overwhelming for folks. As Romano mentioned, it is important to find a contractor who is a trusted advisor who will engage with you. They can help you explore the hundreds of decisions and choices, and help put together  a plan that works for you. 

Your unique set of circumstances will dictate the answer that fits your needs. Rochelle and Romano both urge homeowners engage in a comprehensive planning process as a first step. 



The two rooms that add value in the home are the kitchen and bathroom. When you decide to remodel, which one should you start first?  It starts with key questions what the homeowner wants from a minor to luxury remodel with everything in between. Design consultant Rochelle Horn of Rosie Right Design Build discusses the considerations you should know based on the current look and features to the end result. Are you remodeling to enjoy it, make it more functional or for selling purposes?

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  • Rosie Right Design Build Remodel

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