When you look at a U.S. Geological Survey map of where water is “hardest,” most of Arizona is dark red, indicating that our state – along with Utah, Colorado, Texas and some other areas – has some of the country’s hardest water. That’s because there are loads of minerals in most of our water supplies.
The U.S. Department of Interior defines water as being slightly hard when it has from 1 to 3.5 grains per gallon of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates occurring naturally in the water. In Arizona, hardness can exceed 20 grains per gallon. That doesn’t mean your water is dangerous to drink or use; much of the water in the United States is considered hard to a certain extent.
However, that scale-forming calcium and magnesium can be tough on plumbing and appliances and even on the clothes you wash. It can also leave scaly spots on your new water faucet or your shower door.
There is often another issue with our water, and that’s its taste. Many Arizona homeowners prefer bottled water rather than drinking water out of the tap. It’s not that the water is unsafe – after all, our cities, counties and water districts treat water with chlorine to kill bacteria and viruses as they do all over the United States. But many residents object to the taste of chlorine and the cloudy appearance of the water.
Thankfully, there are solutions to those issues. At Rosie on the House, we’re advocates for having a water softener to deal with hard water and a reverse osmosis system to improve the taste and quality of your drinking water:
1 | What a water softener can do for your home:
Although some homeowners might hesitate to buy a water softener because of the cost, that softener can actually save you money in the long run.
The efficiency of your plumbing will be better, and the appearance of your faucets, fixtures and shower door will be cleaner and shinier. You won’t be spending a lot of time scraping lime-scale off that expensive new faucet in the kitchen, for example.
Your laundry will be whiter and brighter, and washable clothing will last longer. Without the mineral buildup from hard water, your appliances will “live” a lot longer, too – like the dishwasher and washing machine.
2 | How a reverse osmosis system can change the quality of your water:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency actually decides what the minimum contaminant levels can be for water. That’s why cities, counties and water districts treat their water with chlorine to kill bacteria and viruses. Through this process, waterborne diseases in the United States have been nearly eliminated.
However, once that chlorine does its job on the bacteria, it’s no longer needed in the water, but it is still there and can leave a clinging after-taste or have a distinctive odor.
Many homeowners object to that taste in drinking water. Some people also find that the chlorine can be tough on plastics and rubber in a home’s appliances and can possibly have negative effects on your body as well.
A reverse osmosis system can resolve these problems by running your household water through a membrane or filter to remove sediment, particulates, and the chlorine taste and odor. In the final stage of treatment, right before leaving the faucet, the water will also pass through an activated carbon absorption block filter that continues to remove taste and odors.
A new RO system can also remove salt, aluminum, arsenic, lead as well as other minerals and chemicals from your water.
So, if the water in your home is causing problems, you can resolve those issues successfully with treatment options that can make your life more comfortable.
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