If you have been reading our newsletter for even a few months, you know how much the Romero’s love traveling around this great state.
One of the most consistent discoveries we have made is the wonderful capacity for folks to make us feel welcome wherever we go. We love Arizona hospitality and want to take some time at the close of a year, and probably the height of the tourist season, to look at and celebrate Arizona hospitality.
While tourism is often associated with hospitality, we also appreciate other facets of Arizonans’ hospitable nature. Hospitality is found in many places and in many ways.
Tourists began flocking to Arizona after World War II and have been contributing to Arizona’s flourishing tourist industry since. Climate is the primary driver. However, folks only come back if they have been made to feel welcome. The tourist industry in Az offers a wide variety of places to visit. From hotels and restaurants to points of interest, history, museums and art, people who operate in these areas have helped put us on the map.
Whether you are playing a round of golf or skiing in the mountains, the folks who staff these venues are helpful. We often will ask a wait person at a restaurant where we should go to experience local culture, and they are more than happy to point the way. Keeping tourism, a thriving economic engine, takes dedication to creating and maintaining the friendly attitude we are known for.
Community Events
Across Arizona, hundreds of special events occur in just about every community. Visit Arizona offers a comprehensive list of special events.

By their very nature, these events are designed to unite people. Locals and visitors mingle in a friendly atmosphere where all Arizonans can enjoy each town’s hospitality. From major events such as the Fiesta Bowl parade in Phoenix, Christmas Parade and Courthouse Lighting in Prescott to smaller events like the Tamale Festival in Somerton, there is something for everyone.
*Tip- We often find that local farmer’s markets are great venues to learn about a community and buy unique local fare.
You can find an event just about every week. When you attend these events, you are likely to discover just how friendly and accommodating Arizona can be.
History | Art | Museums

There are many historical sights we have to enjoy from all periods of history. You can visit S’edav Va’aki Museum (Formerly Pueblo Grande) to see what life was like for the indigenous Hohokam people, or stroll through Tombstone to feel the dusty streets of the OK Corral and experience reenactments. Learn about the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright on our architecture at Taliesen West or visit our award winning museums: The Phoenix Art Museum, The Musical Instrument Museum or Scottsdale’s Museum of the West to name a few. Make a bucket list and visit ones that interest you the most.
While not unique to Arizona, volunteerism is ubiquitous in our home state. Volunteering can be a very fulfilling way to bring the community together, and there are many opportunities to help your community.

• National Organizations | These are groups such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. One of our personal favorites is Habitat for Humanity. National organizations typically have a statewide or local focal point for you to sign up with.
• State Organizations | Arizona State Parks has a robust volunteer program. Statewide opportunities, like national opportunities, often provide local connections.
• Local Opportunities | The area you live in will have many places for you to step up and help. Food banks, schools, public institutions like libraries, parks and recreation departments, and faith-based groups are examples of where you can give back and contribute to the community you live in.
Enjoying the fellowship and hospitality that surrounds you can be very rewarding. Begin by looking at yourself and your family to see where your interests and heart lie. That is as good a starting point as you will get.
Like many of us, we have been blessed with good neighbors over the years. Connecting with folks who live where we live is a great way to get a sense of the hospitality Arizonans have to share. From potlucks to BBQs to block parties, there are many ways to connect to our immediate neighbors. Do you live near an elderly person living alone? Reach out! Watching out for those who live alone is caring at its best.
Those connections, long-term and short-term, are what helps us feel the warm hospitality that Arizona has to offer!
What drew you to Arizona, and where do you find hospitality most prevalent? Send your answers to info@rosieonthehouse.com
Homeowner Handbook | #ArizonaHospitality
St. Vincent de Paul’s Director of Volunteer Engagement Christina Gavin talks about the many ways they carry on the mission to ‘Feed, Clothe, House and Heal’ plus how you can help. Homeowner questions on crumbling and insulating block walls. Weekly To Do on Arizona Hospitality. Rosie’s ‘Cowboy Christmas Prayer’ and more!
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