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Choose a base coat. You’ll use it to paint the entire surface of the wall or item you want to finish. The base coat may be any color you like. It will remain the primary background or “fill” color. Rosie recommends an interior latex enamel with a satin finish for this step.Choose one or more glazes. These will blend with each other and the base coat to create different colors and hues. You may use oil-based glazes or water-based (latex) glazes.

  • Water-based glaze doesn’t have the strong petroleum odor that oil-based glaze has, but it dries so quickly that you’ll have only four to six minutes to work with it before it starts to dry. Once it dries, you can no longer blend the colors or change the appearance. Unless you have several people working on the project together, that’s not enough time to create your masterpiece! 
  • Oil-based glaze dries slower, so you have around 30 minutes to blend and sponge before it starts to set. Oil glaze also blends easier than latex (water-based) glaze. The down sides: It smells of petroleum, and it has to dry for about five hours before you can put on the next coat. Rosie recommends oil glazes because they dry slower so you have more time to create the effect you want. Tint the glazes by mixing one part paint in any color you choose with four parts of clear glaze. You can buy glazes at home improvement and paint stores.
  1. Choose your technique. This step is called “mottling.” You may use a sea sponge (buy one at any craft or home store), rags or a textured roller. Apply the glazes to create a look that you like, and then use a paint brush to blend in and even out any harsh marks created by your rags or sponge.
  2. Choose your protective finish. Apply a clear, washable top coat to leave your surface looking clean and smooth. Choose a satin finish for most surfaces, unless you prefer a shiny, high-gloss sheen. Rosie recommends using a water-based sealer and steering clear of lacquer-based polyurethanes and varnishes because they turn yellow over time and will change the appearance of your surface.


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