John Eisenhower of Integrity SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Ocotillo!
Form: Shrub
Seasonality: Deciduous perennial
Size: 25 feet tall with a 15ft spread
Leaves: Simple, round, 1 inch, bright green; plant is generally leafless for most of the year
Flowers: Spiky clumps of tubular orange or red flowers on branch ends, clusters can be up to 1ft long; showy
Fruit: Seed
Stems/Trunks: Long, slender, gray-green stems rise from a common base; stems covered with 1 inch, open, vase shaped clump
Range/Origin: SW US, Baja California, Sonora Mexico
Hardiness: Sunset Zones; 10-13, 18-20, 10°F
Comments: Low litter, Sharp thorns
Cultural Requirements:
Exposure: Full sun, reflected heat
Water: Low
Soil: Sandy, well drained
Propagation: Seed, cuttings
Maintenance: Minimal; (pruning can prevent blooming)
For more info view the full plant specifications from University of Arizona’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences: Cooperative Extension | Ocotillo
Home Maintenance Calendar | #TimeToAddPlants | #Ocotillo
John discusses the Tree Of The Month the ocotillo as they bloom in April, its resilience and why its not a cactus. Why removing some trees could violate local laws. Spring growth can also bring insect pests and what to do about it. Fertilizing techniques and the one tree you can plant in the Arizona summer.