Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
August 10, 2021


Segment 1
(running time 12:13)
Segment 2
(running time 7:33)
Segment 3
(running time 7:33)
Segment 4
(running time 7:20)

We’re in studio talking about the history of Memorial Day and it’s true meaning with Dr. David Dean, history professor at Grand Canyon University.

  • The event started after the Civil War & cleaned up cemetaries and placed flowers.
  • Started in May because that’s when flowers bloom.
  • The 1st official celebration was at Arlington National Cemetary.
  • Quotes from former President Garlfield & why Rosie admires him.


Segment 1
(running time 12:45)
Segment 2
(running time 6:10)
Segment 3
(running time 11:31)
Segment 4
(running time 7:23)

It’s the Outdoor Hour and joining us by phone is Jay with Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company. He’s on-site because today is the official weigh-in for the Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Annual Competition.

  • Upcoming events put on by the Arizona Community Tree Council.
  • Fire prevention warnings. Be smart out there!
  • Camping tips & secrets we like around the state.
  • We interview Dean Baker, a winner and organizer for the Giant Pumpkin Competition!
  • Fun conversation about what to do with giant pumpkins and how it got started.

9:00 AM | On The House Hour

Segment 1
(running time 12:22)
Segment 2
(running time 5:47)
Segment 3
(running time 13:00)
Segment 4
(running time 6:40)
  • Romey talks about what Rosie-certified means
  • Rosie talks about our topic last week & what should be in a remodeling contract. The industry is busy, busy, busy and you NEED to know what to watch out for.


  • Rachel – Her home is heaving and the front step is about 3 inches too high, plus there are other spots in her home that are higher than others.

Recommendation – We covered this exact topic last week. Click here for the show last week and she can call Bob Brown at Arizona Foundation Solutions. She has a few options and Bob will help walk her through the best option for her home. This takes an expert like Bob!!!

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

Segment 1
(running time 13:03)
Segment 2
(running time 5:44)
Segment 3
(running time 13:17)
Segment 4
(running time 6:30)

This week’s article is on “HGTV: What’s Real and What’s Reality”


  • Joe – He wants to paint his older block home & wants to know how much work it would be to take the paint off if someone wanted to get back to the original brick?

Recommendation – This would be a very exepensive project to get done if he wanted to remove the paint. It also turns a non-maintenance issue into something you have to keep up. He could use a brick veneer from Oldcastle Superlite. Rosie also talks through a couple other options.

  • We talk HGTV & go around the room sharing opinions on the shows. Some good, some bad.

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