Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
July 30, 2016


Segment 1
(running time 12:39)
Segment 2
(running time 6:50)
Segment 3
(running time 6:50)
Segment 4
(running time 6:51)

Win Holden and Robert Stieve  with Arizona Highways Magazine joins us to talk traveling all around our great state.

  • How Robert ended up in Arizona and what’s in the current issue.
  • Celebrating the 22 National Parks in AZ and the 100 year anniversary of the National Parks system.
  • Rosie’s daughters experiene in Minnesota makes camping in Arizona seem like a breeze!
  • Teddy Roosevelt’s influence and how the Antiquities Act started the National Parks system.
  • Discussing different parks across the state and what you’ll see and why you should go!


Segment 1
(running time 12:39)
Segment 2
(running time 6:09)
Segment 3
(running time 14:00)
Segment 4
(running time 6:19)

It’s monsoon season and summer, so we talk with Jay from Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company about what you should be doing in your yard!

  • Talking about the recent rains across the state and a phone app that shows you where the lightning is around you.
  • Rosie’s dog is dealing with a dog who’s scared of the storms. He needs a “dog whisperer!”
  • Back to the rain and how to know if you need to change your irrigation systems.
  • In August, your planting options really increase. Get the soil prepared and we discuss pre-emergent herbicides too.


  • Maggie – She has a purple dragon tree and it has some bark problems. Is it salvageable?

Recommendation – It’s severely sunburn and the bark is cracking and peeling off.  It looks like the vascular system right beneath the bark is damaged, so it could be too late.  Jay would peel off the damaged bark and use trunk paint to protect it. (you should be doing that with all your think bark trees like citrus, etc.) It’s just a waiting game at this point.

Text From a Listener:

  • How can he get a 20 foot saguaro removed from his front yard?

Recommendation – There are specialty nurseries that can do this and will salvage them, so make a few calls to see if it can be saved, moved and not simply destroyed.

9:00 AM | On The House Hour

Segment 1
(running time 11:50)
Segment 2
(running time 6:57)
Segment 3
(running time 14:30)
Segment 4
(running time 5:47)
  • Rosie has a Scam Alert!!! – There is a marketing company leaving “We missed You” door hangers on homes closing esgrow. It says it’s a “coupon,” but be very careful!
  • More on Super Cooling your home. Details and the savings homeowners are seeing.
  • Mother In-Law Units and costs to expect….we’ll cover that next week!
  • We need a “handyman” in the East Valley of Phoenix & Tucson, plus an electricain in Prescott. If that’s you, call us!
  • We welcome a new partner, Sun Valley Solar Solutions to the network.They’re working with Advanced Home Sytems and are great for SRP customers.

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

Segment 1
(running time 12:01)
Segment 2
(running time 6:37)
Segment 3
(running time 12:47)
Segment 4
(running time 7:01)
  • Rosie talks about James Buchanan, considered the worst president of the U.S.

We’re joined by Jay with Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company to talk about plants that do too well in Arizona and can cause problems.

1st Plant is Cat Claw:

  • It’s a vine….why it grows so well and why it causes problems.
  • You can cut it completely down and within a few months it will be growing right back.
  • The reasons people like it too.
  • Using herbicides to get rid of it completely.
  • Heights it can be expected to grow….Jay has one that’s about 60 feet wide!

2nd Plant we discuss is Oleanders:

  • It’s used as a privacy and wind screen.
  • There is a standard and dwarf variety.
  • When it’s a good option. “Right Place, Right time”

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