Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
December 17, 2016


Segment 1
(running time 12:08)
Segment 2
(running time 7:24)
Segment 3
(running time 7:24)
Segment 4
(running time 6:59)

Preparing for the holiday food!? We bring Katie Stumbo with Go Conquer Fitness in to make sure you’re ready.

  • The average weight gained during the holidays.
  • Put a plan in place to combat your calorie intakes.
  • What’s your weakness? Rosie’s is Egg Nog!
  • Increase your fiber intake during the holidays.
  • Dealing with all the parties this time of year……Plan Plan Plan.
  • Seasoned Pecans at the office haven’t helped the Rosie Team!


Segment 1
(running time 11:03)
Segment 2
(running time 7:42)
Segment 3
(running time 13:29)
Segment 4
(running time 6:48)

You have to love Arizona winters! There is plenty to do out in the yard and we have the experts from Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company here to take your questions.

  • Dealing with some freezing temps around Arizona.
  • Feed your winter lawn once a month and be careful not to over-water.
  • Over-seeding tips. We love the fertilizer from Hickman’s Family Farms.
  • Tips on proper mowing. The correct height and not taking too much in one session.

Text From a Listener:

  • Can they use manure as seed cover or will that actually bring more seeds in the waste?

Recommendation – Yes and yes. It can, but it’s also a great seed cover and should be fine.

  • Adjusting your irrigation systems for winter.

9:00 AM | On The House Hour

Segment 1
(running time 11:49)
Segment 2
(running time 6:48)
Segment 3
(running time 14:34)
Segment 4
(running time 5:41)
  • Talking about all the ways you can connect with Rosie on the House.
  • We are so lucky with the weather we have in Arizona!
  • Discussing the current Phoenix housing market and next year’s projections.
  • “Moving Mom back in” is a topic that comes up a lot, lately. Rosie talks about a current project he’s working on.


  • Pete – He has saltillo tile outside of his home and after the last 20 years they’ve broken up and he needs to do something with them.

Recommendation – Rosie talks about his options and an option using overlay pavers to cover the old surface. He can replace it with the original saltillo tile again, but it’ll need to be replaced in another 15-20 years.

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

Segment 1
(running time 12:07)
Segment 2
(running time 6:40)
Segment 3
(running time 13:37)
Segment 4
(running time 6:41)

There’s been plenty of news about unhealthy water. We’re here to seperate the facts and myths:

  • First Red Flag in water treatment…..their first selling point is to scare you!
  • Discussing a “Final Barrier” in regards to water.
  • Rosie shares a story about toxic water while he was traveling.
  • Reverse Osmosis takes the taste of chlorine out of your drinking water.
  • How long can purified water rest? Indefinitely, under the right conditions.
  • Cleaning and maintaining systems.
  • Describing the way the R.O. System works and filters.

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