Preparing for the holiday food!? We bring Katie Stumbo with Go Conquer Fitness in to make sure you’re ready.
Recommendation – Most restaurants have healthy options now. Look for lean meals and cut sauces, etc. Listen as Katie gives her advice.
Sign Up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation!!!
*Thanks to Coyote Oaties Cookies for being a great partner!
If you’re in the Phoenix or Scottsdale area and like what you heard, reach out to Katie at Go Conquer Fitness!
You have to love Arizona winters! There is plenty to do out in the yard and we have the experts from Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company here to take your questions.
Text From a Listener:
Recommendation – Yes and yes. It can, but it’s also a great seed cover and should be fine.
Caring for Christmas trees and other holiday plants:
Texts From a Listener:
Recommendation – It depends on the type of palm tree it is. Jay talks through the varieties and which to be concerned about.
Recommendation – Jay would make a fresh cut, drill into the stump and put undiluted roundup into the holes.
Recommendation – It really would take an expert eye from someone like John Eisenhower with Integrity Tree Service. Older allepo pines have been dying back in the valley lately and they’re not sure why. It can be expensive to remove one, so we’d get an expert out right away to set him up with a gameplan.
*We also discuss pruning an olive tree this time of year. (Not recommended)
Recommendation – It really helps picking the freshest tree to start with. Rosie’s only had luck with one method; soaking it completely in the pool for a day. Jay’s advice on getting it to “drink” again, unfortunately involves making a fresh cut at the bottom of the tree again.
Recommendation – The overflow water from his evap cooler is full of salt and could be a big part of his problem. Add some gypsym or soil sulfur (Even Hickman’s from above) then give it a slow drip watering to flush the system. Jay also has some advice for next spring.
Recommendation – Absolutely, there is nothing wrong with that.
Text From a Listener:
Recommendation – Fill dirt or top soil is easily accessible and available throughout the valley. It’s not good to use mulch because it won’t compact enought.
Recommendation – Now is not ideal. Mid-February would be better after the frost threat is gone.
Recommendation – This IS a great time for deciduous fruit trees. Get to digging!
Thanks to Jay for the great advice and remember Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company for great holiday gift ideas!
Recommendation – Rosie talks about his options and an option using overlay pavers to cover the old surface. He can replace it with the original saltillo tile again, but it’ll need to be replaced in another 15-20 years.
Our topic in the newsletter this week is a discussion on cleaning up after the holiday season:
Recommendation – We’ll tackle it in the next segment……..
Recommendation – The crawl space needs to be able to breath and we talk about using block foam or fiberglass insulation under the floor joists.
Emails From Listeners:
Recommendation – It sounds like it is NOT a good deal. It should be twice that cost and it is most likely not done by an AC expert. Rosie talks through why this is a bad idea. You don’t want cleaning companies taking apart your AC system. (Most don’t include that anyway)
*Rosie gets on his soapbox and talks through what it should cost, why some don’t work and how often you need it done.
Recommendation – This will require a bit more information and with the wood floors, it’s usually better to be safe than sorry. Pitting isn’t usually the reason a copper pipe fails. There seems to be more questions than answers here, though. He could be a great candidate for ePipe and Stampede Plumbing can do that here in the Valley.
Recommendation – She’ll need to ask herself a few questions. How much time does she have to investigate contractors? Rosie talks through what a General Contractor can offer, how the pricing works and how it’s not a net gain on your savings.
Recommendation – If there is any exposed pipes, it should definitely be wrapped. He shouldn’t need to do anything about the pipes in the attic.
Emails From Listeners:
Recommendation – It costs money to dispose, so probably not. She can call Scotty Waste Services. For the TV, she can call Westech Recycler’s and they’ll pick it up.
Recommendation – He should have surface mounted hinges. He can take a string to measure a square door and adjust the hinges accordingly.
There’s been plenty of news about unhealthy water. We’re here to seperate the facts and myths:
Properly maintaining a reverse osmosis system:
Recommendation – Yes. There should be significantly less and he even talks about other methods besides softeners that will get that done too.
Recommendation – He shouldn’t need to do that anymore. He can do it and it won’t hurt anything, but it shouldn’t be necessary.
Letter From a Listener:
Recommendation – The 1st step would be to sanitize the system and then he can install all new filters. We discuss the costs he can expect on filters.