Thank you for visiting Rosie On The House, the online home to Arizona's longest running weekend radio broadcast!
August 9, 2021


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(running time 11:58)
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(running time 7:51)
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We visit with Kimber Lanning from Local First Arizona. We talk about the importance of keeping your spending dollars in-state!

  • Did you know your tax dollars go towards subsidizing out-of-state competition?


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(running time 12:11)
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(running time 6:38)
Segment 3
(running time 12:18)
Segment 4
(running time 7:02)

We take your landscape and gardening questions with Jay from Harper’s Nurseries & Landscaping Company!

Tip of the Week: The heat is finally here and this year we didn’t have the normal buildup to the warmer temps. Change your watering patterns and Jay explains it for you!


  • Jay – His tomatoes have blossom end rot and he wants to know if there’s something he can use to get rid of it?

Recommendation – It usually means it’s a calcium deficiency and he can use a spray called Yield Booster & Blossom End Rot Preventer.

  • Richard – They have a large eucalyptus tree in an area of a space they want to put in a block wall in the backyard. Will this be an issue?

Recommendation – With the tree already be established, the new wall should be fine. He also asked about tiles damaged from surface roots and he can change his watering habits to eliminate surface roots. (Deep watering = Deep Root System)

9:00 AM | On The House Hour

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(running time 12:34)
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(running time 6:14)
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(running time 13:28)
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(running time 6:22)

Rosie reminds you to pay it forward if we’ve saved you money on a remodel or repair at your home, consider the “Buy a Heart Campaign” put on by The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals Central Arizona Chapter.

Find Rosie’s articles on home improvement across the whole state:

  • Green Valley News
  • Casa Grande Dispatch
  • Arizona Daily Star
  • Arizona Republic

*Stay tuned about the launch of our new website in the next few weeks!

  • Karen called in and wanted to know about the ‘American Made’ nails we were talking about earlier in the show.  Go to our American Made Products link to find Maze Nails, made in Illinois.
  • Rosie has some special guests joining us….his daughter Rachel and her family!  You might remember her husband, Major Wayne Dahl. He’s been in Germany and we talk about his military experiences. Thank you for your service, Wayne!!!
  • Listen for a funny story about using “facilities” across the world. It’s not the same everywhere!

10:00 AM | Open Home Hour

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(running time 11:59)
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(running time 6:50)
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(running time 12:39)
Segment 4
(running time 6:40)

Rosie shares a few stories….”I’m not trying to gross you out, but trying to scare you just a bit so you’ll stay safe”


  • Carolyn – Her tile shower stall has glass doors and need to be replaced. She also wants to replace the handle, plus the caulking is in bad shape too..what do we recommend?

*Rosie has one more “scary story”

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