Romey talks about his trip to California last week and his stop at The 2015 National Heirloom Exposition.
More about the National Heirloom Exposition and some of their guests:
*What Romey learned about GMO’s & the importance of proper labeling.
Romey talks about a product he likes to better ferment food and other products from the Exposition
Question about your landscape, garden or trees? We’ve got you covered with Jay from Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company here in studio for you!
*We discuss the hemp industry and it’s strength and uses, plus what an heirloom seed is.
Tip of the Week: It’s time for fall planting in your garden in the desert. Jay talks about what types are great for this time of year.
Recommendation – It sounds like it’s spurge and he can use a “broad leaf weed killer” to kill it and he should use pre-emergent products in the spring to keep it from coming up in the first place.
Recommendation – Yes. He can divide it if there are multiple plants to seperate. Jay describes what’s needed and how to go about it.
Recommendation – That is normal. They don’t flower all year, so this is very normal and he has nothing to worry about.
*We discuss the proper pruning for bougainvillea.
Recommenation – Pepper plants are much heartier than tomato plants and she can keep them going, unlike tomatoes.
Recommendation – Never fertilize on dry soils, but she can buy granular fertilizer on the gravel around the tree and water it in. Jay describes the process and her options.
*Romey asks Jay about the clay pot irrigation system he learned about last week and other notes from his trip.
You can find Jay during the week at Harper’s Nursery & Landcaping Company!
Stan & Ann from Rosie On The House Remodeling join us to talk about home offices.
Recommendation – Ann has the same situation and describes several ways to make it happen, including storage and organization to make it functional and clean to be multi-purpose.
*Rosie shares a family story similar to Linda’s.
If you’re in the Northeast Valley and would like work done at your home, contact Stan or Ann at Rosie On The House Remodeling.
Masonry experts Dave & Steve from Oldcastle Superlite are In-Studio to talk about all the applications perfect for this type of building.
If you have questions or need masonry products for your home or business, call Oldcastle Superlite!
Join Rosie On The House Every Saturday Morning!!!