Expert advice on how to change the filter in a window A/C Unit
In a window air conditioner, the filter is located inside the unit.
Here’s how to change the filter:

- Turn the air conditioner off.
- Take the cover off of the front of the air conditioner; you might be able to pop it off, or you might have to unscrew it. You’ll see the filter behind the cover.
- Remove the filter. Again, you might be able to push it out, but some models are screwed in.
- Most window A/C filters are reusable, so instead of replacing the filter, you can clean it. Shake or vacuum the dust off of it, and then wash it with soapy water and thoroughly rinse it in the laundry sink or with a hose outdoors.
- After the filter is completely dry, place it back into the window unit and replace the front cover. If you do not let the filter dry 100% before reinstalling it, water may get into the unit and cause damage.
Homeowner Handbook To-Do | #WindowAcFilters