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Arizonians have selected the Rosie on the House Referral Network as the No. 1 referral service—of any kind–in the state. 

Rosie’s Referral Network won the top ranking for referral services in Ranking Arizona: The Best of Arizona Business, an annual listing of the best Arizona products and services, based on the largest opinion poll taken in the state. Winners are selected by Arizonians, who vote for the organizations they would recommend to others.

Our top-ranked Referral Network includes the home-improvement contractors Rosie trusts enough to recommend to the loyal listeners who have made the Rosie on the House show Arizona’s favorite home-improvement resource for 20 years. You can find Rosie’s top choices for every kind of contractor in the Referral Network, from remodelers to plumbers to painters to air conditioning techs to pool services.

Thank you for making Rosie on the House No. 1. You can vote for Rosie in next year’s Ranking Arizona poll here. Choose “vote by category,” then “real estate-residential,” then “referral services,” and finally, “Rosie on the House.” Vote again every 90 days.

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