Rosie & Jennifer share their experience taking their daughter, Carol Grace to college in Colorado!
Sign up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation!!!
*Jennifer reads a great letter from a recent winner!
We catch up with Dr. Sky!!!
Summer heat is winding down, so we talk with Jay Harper with Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Compnay to seee what you need to work on this week.
Recommendation – It’s a ways yet and usually close to halloween. Mid to late October and we don’t know any real tricks, so just pick one around that time.
Recommendation – If it’s dead branches, they can be done anytime. He mentioned that he is blind, so he’ll just need to snap each branch to determine which to remove. Listen for the details.
Letter From a Listener:
Recommendation – Jay says it’s a rain lilly! They come in several colors & bloom with rain and mild temperatures. It’s a bulb and someone probably forgot it was there.
Recommendation – They are usually pretty resilient & like lots of water. Jay would give it a good fertilization and a good watering (through the rest of the summer and fall) It will go dormant this winter and if it comes back in the fall, he could be good to go. Otherwise, replace it before the summer.
Letter From a Listener:
Recommendation – After 60 years, it is probably time to replace it….She got plenty of life out of it. Jay talks about adding trees as the older ones die off. That way, you’ll have an easier transition once the older fruit tree dies.
Recommendation – This is the time that snout weasel’s start showing their damage and usually when we see the damage, it’s too late. If you have agave, just treat all of them in June, July. Listen to be sure you have the details!
Recommendation – He can spray it with a glyphosate product. Just be careful not to get any of the treatment on the leaves of the trees. Use cardboard of plastic as a guard when your spraying around the base.
Recommendation – It is a parasite, so the only way to remove it is to prune it out. It attaches itself to the vascular system of the tree, so you can’t poison it without potentially damaging the tree.
Recommendation – They are several products, like spinosad, that he can use. It’s organic and won’t be dangerous to the wildlife in the tree. We discuss bark beetles and their acitivies in general.
Recommendation – It’s the agave snout weasel we were talking about earlier. The grubs eat the roots and usually when you see the results, it’s too late. We would treat the ground before he plants a new one.
Reach Jay during the week at Harper’s Nursery & Landscaping Company in Scottsdale!
After a long summer and record heat, we catch up on the solar industry.
*Recapping the contest you can win….click the link above!
Recommendation – Dan talks about this in the Phoenix market (Chuck is in Tucson) Maybe take advantage of solar at his home! Dan talks about why, even in Chuck’s situation, could benefit from solar at his home.
Recommendation – It will affect the warranty and the solar company needs to work with the roofing company to work out a possible deal with both companies. It could affect the areas with panels and not the others, but sometimes they can make adjustments to make the warranty stand.
Find out if solar is right for you
Email From a Listener:
Recommendation – We go through the different offerings and Rosie gives his advice and to make sure she (and you) read Rosie’s “How To Choose a Roofing Contractor Consumer Guide”
We talk with Ken Colburn with Data Doctors, sponsored by Carbonite!
Recommendation – (Nope, that’s Steve at Advanced Home Systems) He’s got it dialed in!
Recommendation – It is an expensive fix to replace the glass block. He can call Marvel Masonry & Building Supply to get a recommendation on someone to fix it. We’d probably just turn a blind eye to it and save the money.
Recommendation – Most appliace warranties will be voided with pressure over a certain level, so Rosie talks through a few options.
Join Rosie on the House every Saturday Morning!!!