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Tecoma x Lydia®(Bignoniaceae):
Until recently, Tecomas were often blooming far above one’s head, then only in the spring and fall and then were covered with masses of unattractive seed pods. The Tecoma breeding project of George Hull at V&P Nurseries in Phoenix has been focused on these problems. Lydia is a product of that program. She is indeed a PED (Pretty Every Day) with her bright yellow flower buds opening over the soft light green foliage. She can be expected to be in bloom in the low desert from very early spring until frost. Tecomas do appreciate a bit of extra fertilizer so montly during the growing season, a small application will induce more new growth and flowering. Lydia will bloom in full sun and actually should have good light but she will be happier on something other than a due west f summer color. Compared to other yellow Tecomas, ‘Gold Star’ is bigger, produces more seed, has a darker yellow flower and is a bit on the coarse side. Tecoma stans var. angustata will have smaller flowers, a lot more seed, be taller and a bit rugged looking.


  • Bright clear yellow with a clean white throat
  • Compact, soft lime green foliage
  • Matures under 6’ tall x 5’ wide
  • More compact growth habit
  • Performs from early spring until frost
  • Loves hanging out in the full sun

Care Information
A periodic strong pruning to 1’ above grade after the danger of frost in the spring, will
rejuvenate. In the heat of the summer in the low desert, a good deep soaking every week should suffice.

For more information on the x Lydia®click here!

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